Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stormy's Plan


RainStar led Storncloud into the dark "huddle" of trees. She whispered, "Don't talk. Or else."

A slight murmer of voices could be heard, and Stormcloud could spot an opening from the trees. There, a group of scarred cats sat. One muscular tabby tom stood out from the rest. His pelt was glossy, deprived of the battle scars others adorned.

"Attention all cats! The patrol was sent to SunClan, and we now need more patrol for the other 3 clans. After all the battles are finished, we will plan the great fight!"

Stormcloud pricked his ear, confused but attentive.

Rainstar turned to him. "That is Darkkit's brother. Remember when she was warning you about her brother trying to take over the clans? This is his plan."

"What does he mean, the great fight?"

Rainstar sighed. "I've already given you more information than I should've. This will be the last thing I'll tell you. Darkkit's brother, Stormy, plans to take over the clans. He's recruiting as many rogues or kittypets as possible to aid him for a giant battle between the clans and his .... group."

"That's stupid. The clans have way more cats than those mangy fox-dungs."

Rainstar shook her head. "Don't underestimate them."

A dark gray tabby was walking towards Stormy, his pelt matted with blood. "I come bearing news from the SunClan battle. The clan cats are fiercely battling our ranks. They're not weak, as we have suspected before."

Stormy nodded. "Thank you, Flash. Do you think we're ready for another attack?"

Flash smiled, an evil glint in his eye. "RainClan, FallenClan, or BlackClan?"

Stormy muttered, "That's a hard choice. I know, we'll send our 3 strongest members to each of those clans. Whoever captures a prisoner first, we'll attack the clan that cat is from."

"What about a prize?" a cat yowled.

"Hm...good idea. How about the opportunity to kill her/his prisoner?"

Cats yowled in excitement.

Stormy sneered. "The existence of clans will come to an end..."


Okay, you heard Stormy. He's gonna send 1 cat to each remaining clan. In this case, FallenClan, RainClan, or BlackClan. The first three comments here will win the chance to be one of these rogues. Just fill this form.

Name (rogue):

That's all. Ready, get set, COMMENT!

1 comment:

  1. Name (rogue): Wolf
    Description/Personality: Small dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He was led into battle when he was still a kit, trained by Stormy himself. Although small, he can tear a warrior to shreds in a blink of an eye, using surprise as his attack plan. Wolf had always wanted to become a clan cat, until Stormy took him in, turning his emotions cold and dark.
