Rainstar swiftly darted around the snow clumps up the Sky Vine. Her eyes were gleaming with happiness and determination. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Sky Vine for a clan meeting!" Her voice rang within the camp, stirring the sleeping cats. They eventually stiffly got up and arrived in the misty clearing, looking up at Rainstar.
Rainstar blinked and continued, "This is a proud day for our clan. By appointing apprentices to their mentor, we show Rainclan will survive and remain strong. This is Cherrypaw. Fallingswoop and I have been watching this interesting kittypet for a while."
Gasps erupted from the clan when they heard the word, "kittypet".
Rainstar silenced the muttering cats with a flick of her tail. "She will perform a simple task to prove herself one more time. If she succeeds, she will join Rainclan as a permanent member. If she fails...she will have to return to her soft kittypet life."
Rainstar turned her head towards the entrance of the camp. And there, a small black and white she-cat stood, her pelt shining in the early mist.
Rainstar yowled, "Cherrypaw, your task will be to spy on Fallenclan AND Sunclan to see if they are expecting a battle from us and preparing for it."
The cats gasped and some protested...
"She's too young!"
"What if she betrays us and lies?!"
"It's too dangerous!"
Rainstar yowled once again. She leaned in close to Cherrypaw's ear and whispered, "If you want to prove yourself of being a great warrior, you have to succeed in this mini quest."
Cherrypaw looked back up with bright green eyes. She announced to the clan, "I take on this quest, and I WILL succeed."
Rainstar sat back down with a proud smile on her face. Some cats started meowing with joy, while others stood back, silent.
Rainstar stood back up. "Cherrypaw, it is time for you to go to the other clans' territories. Meeting dismissed."
The cats scattered about, some forming groups discussing information about Cherrypaw.
Cherrypaw ran out the entrance to the clan, heading towards Fallenclan territory.
~**Banana Berry**~
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