Sunday, November 7, 2010


1) How old are you?
2) What state do you live in?
3) Got siblings?
4) Got pets? (not the same answer as #3)
5) Are you in a relationship?
6) Do you WANT to be in a relationship?
7) Favorite type of food?
Frozen yogurt! (preferably from Yogurtland)
8) Cookie dough or baked cookies?
Baked cookies
9) Birth month/ Astrological sign?
April, Aries
10) Last movie you cried at?
Last Song
11) Last book you read?
The Book of Dead Days
12) Last person who said "I love you" to you?
13) One thing you love?
14) One thing you HATE?

15) You wish you had a/an...

Thousand wishes, then I could wish for anything I want!
16) If you could change into an animal at will, what animal would you be?

A wolf
17) Book/ movie you wish to be in if they were real?

Percy Jackson and the Olympians OR The Hunger Games
18) Favorite class?
Advanced Orchestra (Middle school)
19) Did you have any text messages this morning when you woke up?

No, I don't have a cellphone.... :(
20) Blogger buddies?

Starrynight,WCL92 , SunsetBubble, Indigo~Sundown, Dainee, Dreamstar and some that I couldn't think of....
I tag: I can't really tag, every Blogger Buddy I posted!!!! (except WCL92....)

~**Banana Berry**~

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