The moon was high up in the sky when the wounded cats ran back to camp. Fadingmist was talking to Seakit when the smell of blood could be scented. She ran out to find wounded cats gathered in the clearing, and the rest of the clan surrounding them.
Everyone was meowing with questions.
"Where's Rainstar?"
"We have to inform Spottedwing about this."
"Did we win?"
Stormcloud yowled. "I'm afraid that our leader will not be returning back to Rainclan. She is now hunting within Starclan."
The cats gasped. Some started crying while others hung their head low in mourn for their dead leader.
Stormcloud continued. "We have retreatedfrom the battle for this great loss will affect our thoughts and actions. For now, no cat shall be the leader until moonhigh the following day. Not even me."
"Then where's the body of Rainstar?" Ashpaw meowed.
"Her body still might be in the territory of Sunclan. I have asked Icestar to return her to us soon. Spottedwing and Fadingmist will have lots of work these past few days. Cats who might have some knowledge of herbs, please visit my den so that you may help them."
(you can volunteer any cat of yours, but no kits, and don't volunteer all)
"Ashpaw and Cherrypaw, please step forward." Ashpaw and Cherrypaw padded to where Stormcloud was seated and plopped down.
"Ashpaw, even if you didn't fight in the battle against Fallenclan and Sunclan, you have protected Rainclan from any danger. You shall now have your warrior name. From now on, you will be known as Ashstorm." They touched noses and Stormcloud turned to face Cherrypaw.
"Cherrypaw, you have endured the horrors of battles, but you fought valiantly. Your warrior name will be Cherrybreeze."
"That is all." Stormcloud meowed as he headed toward his den.
Seakit bounded towards the Med. Den. "I just received a sign!!!" she cried. Then ran in. "I know who the leader is! Rainstar just came to me! It's! It's! Oh, I forgot..."