Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cloverpaw, Thunderpaw, and Blossomkit

Stormcloud padded out of his den. He climbed onto the Sky Vine slowly. I'm not even leader, I shouldn't be doing this! he thought.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Sky Vine for a clan meeting!"

The cats slowly appeared in the clearing.

"Cloverkit and Thunderkit have been patient enough to wait 6 moons. Now they will have the privilege to be apprentices. From now on, Cloverkit will be known as Cloverpaw and Thunderkit will be known as Thunderpaw."


"Cloverpaw, your mentor will be Marshfoot, and Thunderpaw your mentor will be me."


The same day, Fadingmist was out in the forest gathering herbs. She walked towards a patch of comfrey, and bent down to bite the plants off. Just then, she heard a yowl behind her and turned to see a small ginger tabby kit running towards her with unsheathed claws.

Fadingmist glanced quickly around herself. What should I do? I can't hurt a kit. Right as the kit was about to make contact with Fadingmist's fur, she yowled.

The kit sheathed her claws back, and blinked at Fadingmist with large round blue eyes.

Fadingmist meowed softly, "Don't worry, little one. Are you from any clan?"


"Oh no, another lost kit. I should take you back to camp."

Fadingmist grabbed the kit by the scruff and carried her back to Rainclan camp. She took her in to the medicine cat den to check if she has any injuries.

(comment at medicine cat den)


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